Adventures of the Vaccinated

Posted on:May 07 2021



I realize a person might think it’s a little ridiculous to crow about such a mundane thing like meeting a friend for coffee, but not when you consider it had been OVER A YEAR since we’d last done that ordinary thing.


How about you?  Have you noticed the crowing?  Are you crowing too?


You’re never going to believe this, but...I flew on an airplane.


I sat inside a restaurant.  Incredible.  I nearly wept when they brought me the menu!


Makes me smile to think about all the things we’re starting to crow about, ordinary events we used to take for granted...  It’s a hopeful sign.  


Sometimes there’s even photographic proof —  There’s Aunt Sue at the ballpark! — and sure enough, there she is in the socially-distanced stadium eating a hotdog!  


We’ll be photographing everything, sending proof all around, sharing our shocking joy and joyous shock, as we return to and appreciate the simplest things.


I love this kind of ridiculous!  😊


I know, I know, we’re not back to normal, yet — who knows how long that will take and what normal will be like when we get there — but as more and more people are vaxxed and feeling better about a cautious return to old habits and haunts, I say let’s appreciate and CELEBRATE the ride!


Guess what?  What?  I worked in the office today!


Before the pandemic, if a friend texted me this message, I would’ve been a bit confused.  Who brags about going to the office, for crying out loud?  Now I’m like, “Wow, that’s so awesome!  What was it like?  Was anybody there?  Did you wear sweatpants?”  


To be sure, I’m very lucky that I’ve been able to stay at home through this pandemic and wait it out.  Those of us who could owe a great deal to those who could not.  Granted, we’re still not out of the woods, the vaccine effort is still a work in progress, but shots are starting to build momentum.  We even have some local breweries incentivizing the effort - one free beer when you show proof of vaccination, boom. 


Most of you know I’m not a big social media person, but I’d bet it’s bursting with proud, post-vaccination selfies and lots of first-time-in-awhile announcements.


First time I’ve ______________ in a year!!


Fill in the blank - maybe it’s a workout class.  Maybe it’s a favorite bar, newly opened.  Maybe you’re seeing vaxxed co-workers you’ve only seen on Zoom.  (Don’t they look different?  Look, they have feet!) 


It’s sloooowly...coming...back.


I don’t know about you, but I might need a refresher on how to do this !  You know, chit chat, socialize, engage in face-to-face conversation, read facial expressions.    


Sure, it’s smart to still be careful, but I also think it’s okay to want to share these upbeat events.  Hands down, the best stories are the hug stories.  Who doesn’t love a hug story?


Hugged my mom for the first time in a year.


Hugged grandpa for the first time in a year.


Hugged my best friend for the first time in a year.


These are historic hugs, people. Slowly...but...surely, we get to get good at hugging again.  Yay, we’ll be swimming in oxytocin, that feel-good bonding hormone! 


Going to the office.  Riding a train or getting on an airplane.  Meeting a friend at a coffee shop.  Sitting at a table and ordering food off a real menu, handed to you by a real human.  


This and more all adds up to the thrilling, totally boring, beautifully banal, and oh-so-wonderful adventures of the newly vaccinated.  Noon yoga, in person - just call me Indiana Jones!  And yeah, give me a hug while you're at it!  😉