
Posted on:Aug 14 2020

So how are you doing?

Things are wack, aren’t they?

The fatiguing pandemic pressure-cooker is real.

When will this stop and what will life look like when it does?

Oh, and let’s not forget the November 3rd factor.

Is the worst yet to come?


We’re all feeling it : the majority of Americans believe the pandemic is taking a toll on their mental health; coronavirus worry is interfering with our sleep; we’re more easily losing our tempers; we’re rolling our eyes; our eating habits are off; we’re going too many days without giving or receiving a hug; and, yes, hundreds of people are still dying every day. 


Our calming, centering thought processes, our connection to optimism and hope for the future, our will power to not hangry through another tube of pringles, our ability to keep spirits up and be a good human...it’s a lot to ask under “normal” circumstances and you’re not crazy or alone if you’re struggling with it all.


So what can we do?  Everyone’s pandemic struggles differ, and hopefully, now that we're over 6 months in, you’ve figured out some ride-smoothing strategies.  Just as our struggles differ, our strategies differ too - we must find our personal leverage points, do what works, do it often.  


Here are a few ride-smoothers I’ve been paying more-than-usual attention to: 


First is the mantra, This Too Shall Pass.  At times it sure doesn’t feel like it, but this is a temporary situation, and each new day brings us one day closer to whatever it’s going to look like when it finally does pass.  There’s hope in that and it’s on us to find it...we have to be our own personal life preserver.


Second, we have the day in front of us, the task at hand, and if we give it right attention, and do it as well as we can, well, it doesn’t fix everything but at the end of the day it’s a pretty solid something.


Third, practice the Pause.  This can help us in times of both calm and wits’-end volatility.  When it’s calm, it’s easy to practice pausing - stand up from your screen, stretch, go drink a glass of water, step outside and look at the clouds, watch a funny cat video, eat a peach, walk around the block - you get the idea, it’s a mini reset and it strengthens the habit of Pausing.  I suggest hourly but, really, it's your personal life preserver so it's your call.  Set a timer to help reinforce the habit.


Obviously when we’re at wits’ end, it’s a very different challenge.  We are in such a perfect storm of temper-flaring conditions right now - we’re tired, we’re nervy, our fuses are short, and the wack world has us primed to let it rip with our words. 


What an opportune time to start a mindfulness practice !


When it comes to cultivating a Pause before we let loose with something we’ll regret, stick with doable and easy to remember.  Count to 10?  Take 3 breaths?  Close your eyes and place your hand on your heart?  Squeeze your bicep?  Ask for a time out?  Stand on one foot?


As we move through hard and uncertain times, day by day, there’s buoyancy in taking action around the things you actually can do something about.