Just Jump !!

Posted on:Aug 01 2020

Helloooooo from the Happiness Blog!  

Blogging vs. Posting...  

Kind of the same but, whoa, actually definitely different.

This switch has been on my mind for quite some time - posting on facebook was getting kind of tired, more chore than challenge.  Maybe it’s as simple as wanting a change, to give the snow globe a healthy rut-busting shake.  Whatever the case, loss of interest was causing lack of connection and so here we are on a new-to-me platform.  Challenge embraced.

I’ll keep the LRN facebook page, though, and use it to post the link to my latest blog.  Also, according to my website expert, that’s where you’all can comment on the blog...rather than through the blog page itself...which apparently opens up a ginormous can of bots, which sounds quite undesirable so I’ll take his word for it.  That said, I’d love to hear from you.  Another option is via the CONTACT page here on the LRNhappiness website - drop me an email.   

I’ll see how this goes but I’d like to set a once-a-week pace.  

I think that’s it for initial house-keeping details.

Now to start chipping away at the interesting inertia of status quo, the thing that holds us in place, procrastinating that refreshing, reboot move that we know, eventually, good-time-or-good-story, will enliven us. 

Here’s to getting over the feeling of “Who am I to think people want to read what I want to write in a blog?”  You know, those niggling little thoughts that creep up the spine, pinging self-doubt or  shyness as they reach back to, I don’t know, some embarrassing moment in second grade when I had to read aloud my book report on “Ginger Pie.”  

Because sharing short posts on facebook, for the most part, felt sort of superficial or arm’s length...I was invested but differently...whereas writing a blog feels like Real Writing, Real Sharing, which feels Real Vulnerable.  

For sure, I’m less wrapped up in the vulnerability piece at age 56 than I would’ve been at, say, 26 or 36, even 46...there’s less obsessing about being judged and more acknowledging around okay, yeah, I’ve learned some things from my life, I love to write, and there’s still some classroom teacher in me.  😉  

And raise your hand if you don’t need another reminder to not. take. yourself. soooo. seriously!  

Besides, it’s not about being right or being an authority; it’s about sharing a perspective that hopefully gets you to think about yours, about sharing an experience that may touch on something you’ve experienced, about being more aware of what we think and why we think it, what we do and why we do it, and how it affects ourselves and those around us. 

Smarter + Sooner = more happier days 

Hopefully it’ll all come together in something that’s as enjoyable for you to read as it is for me to write. 

So here's to jumping from a blog rather than plodding from a post - journey on!